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86% of workers have reported some discomfort from their office furniture and equipment. Since we spend at least eight hours of our day at the office, it should be comfortable and personal. As employees, we tend to see how we can add our own personal touch to make it a little cozier. We like to hang up our pictures and small desk plants. However, have we really taken into consideration the actual desk, chairs, and office space that we are going to be in? Not only can office furniture make you uncomfortable it can also cause health risks. 35% of sick days are due to musculoskeletal injuries.

Office furniture that has been ergonomically designed can increase productivity and help prevent some health problems.


Ergonomics is about designing and arranging a workplace that will benefit the employee’s efficiency and safety while working. A workplace that has a poor design can cause a worker to be stressed, tired, or even hurt. Ergonomics keeps in mind the abilities and limitations a person may have in order to create a productive and safe environment.

Benefits of Ergonomics in the Workplace


It is very easy to have bad posture when sitting at a computer work station. A decent, ergonomically designed work station will encourage movement, and help you maintain good posture without having to think about it.

Increased Concentration:

Using an ergonomically designed work station helps to increase concentration allowing you to be more focused and productive. By increasing workstation comfort, you’re reducing the amount of time spent worrying about the aches and pains during your workday.  This means fewer unnecessary breaks to relieve discomfort, and you’ll have fewer late nights in the office trying to catch up on work.

Reduce Stress:

Not only can ergonomic furniture help you with increased energy, but it can have great health benefits. It may lower stress by reducing injuries which lead to sick days, and long-term health problems that can negatively affect a person’s career.

Other Health Benefits:

If you are sitting in an uncomfortable chair for 8 hours a day your body will feel it in the long run. Sometimes we catch ourselves slouching or bending over our computers in the office. This can cause a lot of fatigue throughout the day. Ergonomic furniture can help relieve some back and neck pain, improve digestive health, as well as breathing.

A Solution:

What if we told you fixing these problems can be as easy as switching to an adjustable height desk? Nearly 87% of office workers said they feel more comfortable and energized while standing at their desk periodically during the day. If that isn’t an option for you, another solution could be an adjustable chair that may help relieve pressure and discomfort while at your desk.  It doesn’t have to be expensive.  Several manufacturers offer great options at decent price points.

It’s finding what works for you and helps you stay energized. Companies like Fellows have ergonomic specialists that focus on finding a design to help you select the best furniture for you and your workspace. They have a variety of helpful items to choose from monitor arms, which are meant to raise your computer screens in order to help improve your posture and reduce eye strain. They also free up space! Fellowes also has several products that help reduce wrist pressure, like their Health-V mouse pads that are specifically designed to provide wrist support. There are also footrests, foot rockers and climate foot support that enhance your circulation and posture.  Little things can go a long way in the world of workplace wellness.  The key is wanting to be comfortable and productive at work. Reducing body strain will allow you to come home from work feeling more energized rather than fatigued. Are you ready to improve your workspace? Schedule a Meeting with one of our furniture experts today!