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Office360 is launching a new product category- workplace branding! We’re excited to provide branded promotional materials to our customers, but we know branding isn’t just flashy logos and giveaways. In fact, your business’ brand starts with a crucial yet often overlooked group of people- your employees. Helping employees understand and support your brand is a key part of workplace branding. Behind every successful business is a group of employees building that success. So what can you do if your employees don’t seem to ‘get’ your brand? Or worse, don’t seem to care at all? Here are a few easy ways to get employees behind your brand!

Give Employees A Voice

Your marketing team has huge influence on your brand messaging, but likely don’t know everything behind the scenes. Every employee in your company– whether it’s a sales or customer service rep, receptionist, IT person, or sales associate– represents your business and influences your brand. So let them have a say. Suggestion boxes, town hall meetings, and advisory committees are great ways to get other employees involved in company marketing and lets their voice be part of your message.

Don’t Be All Work No Play

Employees will be more excited about your brand if they enjoy their workplace. You don’t have to host expensive events and parties to have fun. At Office360, we do pitch-in lunches, celebrate birthdays monthly and host weekly employee yoga sessions. This helps our associates bond and feel more like a family instead of just coworkers.

Teach Your Brand

If your employees have no idea what your company message is, it’s time to teach them! Explain what your company represents and the story you want to tell customers. The more you talk about your brand, the more your employees will understand and feel empowered by it.

Get Involved

Encourage employees to get together and give back to organizations that reflect your brand’s message. We donate to and volunteer with many local Indiana organizations, which not only provides our employees with enriching experiences but also the opportunity to connect to our Hoosier community.  

Let Employees Rep Your Brand

Some free apparel, a coffee mug or a button are a great way to show your appreciation for your employees while also giving them an opportunity to show off your company outside and inside the office. Our promotional materials will give you plenty of options for branded gear your employees will love!

These are just a few ways to help your employees understand the messaging behind your unique branding. By creating a community, giving each employee a voice and creating an environment where employees can see and experience your company’s values, you’re already on your way to turning your employees into walking billboards for your company and its’ message.