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Some small businesses argue that they don’t need a blog because they already have a website, they’re too difficult to set up, or they’re too hard to maintain – but research begs to differ. If you’re on the fence about creating one for your small business, take a look at the reasons below.

1. To Give Your Company a Voice

Starting a company blog gives your small business a voice and allows you to tell your story. A blog promotes interaction through comments, conversations, and feedback from readers or customers. They are typically written in a more conversational style which makes your business more personal and relatable. Additionally, blogging allows a small business to share their expertise through experiences, thoughts, tips, tricks, and strategies which help position your business as a thought leader or even an expert in the industry.

2. To Increase Brand Awareness

A company blog will help build brand awareness. It creates buzz and attracts visitors to your main website. Oftentimes, readers will navigate to a company’s homepage which will increase the number of impressions on your website and potentially your conversion rate. A company blog is free PR for your business – a place where you can promote ideas, events, videos, and products. A successful blog will help grow your network. Posting relevant content that adds value to the reader will attract a following. You can also gain insight into your audience with analytics by tracking readers, click-through rates, shares, comments, and more. Finally, it can help optimize for search engines. Search engines look for fresh content – blogs provide an easy opportunity to create new content often.

3. Usability

Starting a company blog is easier than you may think. Blogs are easy to use; they require no training and little time to set up. You can personalize your blog to match your business and your brand with endless possibilities of themes. A blog is entirely under your control. Therefore, you can choose the specific content and how frequently you would like to post. Lastly, it is often a less expensive alternative to adding content to your website which may be quite costly.

4. Statistics

      •   60% of businesses who blog acquire more customers – HubSpot
      •   81% of consumers trust information and advice from blogs –  BlogHer
      •   B2B marketers who use blogs as part of their content marketing mix get 67% more leads than those that don’t – Hubspot
      •   82% of marketers who blog get positive ROI from their inbound marketing activities – Hubspot

Blogs do NOT replace your website.

Creating a blog for your business is not mandatory but acts as a great compliment to your website while increasing your online presence. If you own a small business, consider setting one up to help grow your company.